Initial Press Release: KubeCon 2018 – Seattle, Wa — Nutanix Cloud Native delivers reliable, automated, secure, and efficient services for developers on the private cloud and is powered by leading hyper-converged…
It has been a few years since my first look at CloudBerry Backup. Back then it was called CloudBerry Online Backup, it’s now called Windows Desktop Cloud Backup. (Server backup…
Azure DevOps is a suite of offerings from Microsoft that aims to help companies deliver better software faster. They have a great article on “what is DevOps” here. But why…
Microsoft recently re-branded Virtual Studio Team Services into Azure DevOps. With it came a face-lift and some great new features. I have been using GitHub for my zPlanner project, and…
My ideal travel router I’ve been kicking around the idea of building a small travel router out of a Raspberry Pi or an Asus Tinkerboard for a while. My ideal product…
Let’s not kid each other, you or someone you know is still running Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, or SQL 2008, 2008 R2 in production. I’m not trying to say…
zPlanner is a replication planning tool that analyzes VMware virtual machine storage patterns and helps plan for replication to the public cloud (or other disaster recovery locations). If you want to learn…
What is zPlanner? Project goals As more and more companies make the decision to explore public cloud it has become very important to be able to gather statistical data from…