To Azure and Back, while also replacing hardware! First, Let’s Recap! In case you haven’t been following along, my latest personal project has been to completely eliminate my home lab…
My blog is already 7 years old! It’s hard to believe that this site has survived, mainly because my attention span for projects is normally limited. But the trip and…
299 virtualization blogs for your RSS reader Here is my OPML export of all the top vBlogs according to Eric Siebert’s site. This list includes not only the “top 100” but…
In preparation for 2017, I have been trying to find tools to help structure my blog a little more. Tools that will improve my writing, as well as help get posts and…
After 2 years with the Green Park 2 by Cordobo theme, I decided that it was time for something new. I hate picking things like this though, it probably took…
I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who reads my blog. June exceeded my expectations once again on the number of unique visitors as well as the…
Since today is Thanksgiving I thought I would take a break from the geek posts and answer a question that I have been asked several times. Why do you blog?…