If you are one of the people who keeps Microsoft Software Assurance on your licensing you are going to love this option if you are thinking about VDI. Microsoft released a…
Last week VMware officially released the bits to allow HTML access for VMware Horizon View connections. So naturally, I decided to upgrade the Hands on Labs to View 5.2 with…
Recently I was putting together a proposal for a customer who needed to refresh 40 desktops, in the proposal I needed to compare the costs of replacing the aging desktops…
This morning my iPad was showing one program that had an update available, and after checking which one I was pleasantly surprised to find that it was the VMware View…
This morning while looking for the updated HP t5745 firmware I noticed another package on the support page called “HP ThinPro Operating System Demonstration Package”. So naturally I followed the…
Update: I’m officially VCA410-DT # 106 This morning I sat for the new VMware View related exam VMware Certified Associate – Desktop. I didn’t get to do much studying but…
Lately, I have been focusing on VMware View and virtual desktops, mostly on the setup of View and getting desktop templates tweaked and such, but then the sales side of…