Coming up in March I will be going on the road to show off my Hands on Lab project… possibly in a city near you! Check out the invite below, dates include: Indianapolis – March4th Louisville – March 5th Nashville…
After finishing up my HOL Provisioning script I moved on to the second thing on my list of Todo’s since the first HOL event in Kansas City… Build a dashboard. I found that about 10 minutes into the lab things…
As part of my Hands-on Lab project, I wanted to automate the creation of user accounts, both for vCloud Director as well as VMware View/Active Directory. I kicked around the idea of using VMware Orchestrator but found that I just…
If you missed my post about my Hands on Lab project check it out first… Then read on to see if you can help me make it better! Right now the lab is a manually provisioned, and to grow I…
In order to put together an environment that can be used for the Hands on Labs I needed to layer together many VMware technologies. On the software side these technologies include: vSphere 5, vCloud Director, VMware View, vShield Edge (now…
Today was the premier of my home grown “Hands on Labs” at a Lunch and Learn in Kansas City sponsored by DP Sciences, EMC, Cisco, and VMware. We discussed what went on at VMworld including product announcements, licensing changes, and…