Under construction
If this page seems completely unreadable its because I’m in the process of updating it. Check back later for something worth reading… But until them check out my moving to the colo series
Moving my Blog to Azure and back with Zerto
The Date is set and Replication has started
The “not so @ home… home lab”
In September 2017 I moved what was my home lab to a colo. So 99% of all my tinkering is done there now. However, I do run a small Hyper-Converged Hyper-V cluster at home. Below you will find details of my lab deployments along with build posts and other information.
Build Posts
Check out these posts for details/updates on my home lab.
10 Gbps Home Lab – How I Got There
My (mostly not @home) lab consists of two parts:
1.) Gear at a colocation facility
2.) Gear in the Garage
Colo Lab
Fall 2017 Garage Lab
Now that all of the big iron has been moved to the colo, I have very little gear at home. This is how I had envisioned things going forward, but then in November 2017 I heard about Storage Spaces Direct and Hyper-Converged Hyper-V. I gave that a try with some old Dell r410 hardware I had
Archive of past home lab deployment pics
The Original Garage Home Lab.

Then I added HP Blades, an EMC VNX SAN, and 10 gbps networking.