Today VMware announced some big chanced to their vRAM Entitlements on vSphere 5, basically doubling the amount you can assign on the two enterprise levels and increasing all others by 33%. For more information check out Tim’s post. This will…

I was reading through some partner documentation and found two question and answers that I think will help ease some of the anger surrounding vRAM Entitlements in the VMware user community. This is pretty awesome news! I completely agree with…

Over the weekend I was asked to determine why all virtual machines on a cluster were shutdown at 9:45AM on Sunday. There had been no storms, and the datacenter where this cluster is located has good cooling and great power,…

July 12th VMware officially announced vSphere 5 and all of its awesome new features. One of these “features” is called vRam Entitlements. Basically what this “feature” does is limit the amount of physical RAM that you can put in your…