HOL: What I need help with

If you missed my post about my Hands on Lab project check it out first… Then read on to see if you can help me make it better!

Right now the lab is a manually provisioned, and to grow I know that things will need to become automated.  What I need is a way to take a CSV file or online form or something that holds a person’s name, email, and other contact information and from that generate an active directory account as well as a vCloud Director Org, Org vDC, and a vCloud user account in that Org.

After it generates all of that, it or another script should put a welcome email together and send it to that person with details on how to logon as well as what their username and password are.

In addition to that a script that could keep track of when a user was created, and after a set number of days delete everything related to that account.

In the end I can see these labs having two approaches … one would be a group approach like a lunch and learn, or a VMUG meeting; the other would be purely self paced from home.

Without scripting like this the “at home” idea will not work, so if you have VMware orchestrator experience or whatever else you think will work, shoot me an email at [email protected]



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