From….. There are over 180 blogs dedicated to VMware virtualization, here’s your chance to pick your favorites and determine the top blogs. The last voting was over a year…
This week I’m off to Fort Collins Colorado to visit HP for their latest Tech Day on storage. This is my first invitation to the HP Tech Day events and…
While I’m not an Apple fanboy by any means, we do have two iPads at our house but I’ve always struggled with what productive use they have. Almost half of…
If you are a VMware vExpert, VMware Certified Professional (VCP), VMware Certified Instructor (VCI) or VMware User Group (VMUG) member, you can get a FREE 2-socket NFR license for Veeam…
In an effort to make a migration to a virtual infrastructure easier, I have put together another document to aid in that process. This one tries to mimic the EMC…
This is a pretty known issue in the Veeam world, but in case you are looking around for why your Direct from SAN backups are failing and don’t want to…