After finishing up my HOL Provisioning script I moved on to the second thing on my list of Todo’s since the first HOL event in Kansas City… Build a dashboard.…
As part of my Hands-on Lab project, I wanted to automate the creation of user accounts, both for vCloud Director as well as VMware View/Active Directory. I kicked around the…
This morning I was reading a post by Tommy over at about how EMC has started a similar program to the VMware vExpert program. If you are an EMC…
Yesterday I noticed that a few times throughout the day my site was unreachable, and when I logged in to the server I noticed that there were hundreds of apache…
UPDATE: I am starting to update this page with VNX2 (Code Name Rockies) Information. I have only uploaded the components sheet so far, but when I get time to do…
Now that it is getting cooler here in the buckeye state my lab gear has been hard at work keeping my office nice and toasty warm. While spewing out BTU’s…
NOTE: I recommend getting EMC support on the phone before trying any of the commands below, I take no responsibility if you lose data because you use them without fully…
This contest has perfect timing, I am working on my review of several backup products and Unitrends was already on the list to review. If however you are a geek…
As promised this is the first of a couple articles on the backup products I have been watching. I plan to go through them in alphabetical order, starting with Appassure…