I just wanted to take a second to thank everyone who reads my blog. June exceeded my expectations once again on the number of unique visitors as well as the…
This past week I installed an EMC VNXe 3100, the install went well and the new Unisphere Interface made it a snap to get the VMware ESXi boxes added. One…
Monday I was working on a customer’s system and showing them all the nice features of VMware, I also showed them Update Manager and tried to update their Hosts… and…
Last week I was asked by a customer which datastore would be the best location for a new virtual machine. They asked because while all of their datastores were showing…
The product that I’m reviewing in this article is Diskeeper’s V-locity 2 product, which can be found here. This will not be a post about how much faster a fragment…
Recently I was contacted by one of the marketing people over at Packt Publishing and asked if I would like to take a look at their new OpenVPN 2 Cookbook.…
Since it’s fathers day, I thought I would share one of the non-IT, family, related projects I’ve been working on. (Don’t worry… I didn’t actually spent time on fathers day…
Technologyfirst.org is a local tech related newspaper that is printed monthly and distributed around the Dayton Ohio area. I used to pick up a copy all the time when I…