The Gestalt Migration Utility (GMU) Helps Realize the Goal of Cloud Native Technologies to Enable Seamless Portability Between Container Technologies and Cloud Providers
SEATTLE, Washington, Dec. 11, 2018 — Today, at KubeCon North America 2018 Galactic Fog announced the launch of the GestaltMigration Utility (GMU) which makes it easy to migrate containers between different formats and across both public and private cloud platforms. As a longtime member of the CNCF, Galactic Fog believes that for enterprises to be truly cloud native, they should not be locked
With the launch of GMU, development
According to Galactic Fog CEO, Daniel Lizio-Katzen, “since containers started to become popular in 2014, the goal of their users has been to reduce the management, resource and cost overhead of virtual machines and operating systems; with the launch of GMUwe’re solving this issue and enabling enterprises to feel secure that whicheverKubernetes distribution they decide to adopt, they will still be able to
“Galactic Fog was founded with the guiding principle of enabling developers and enterprises to
Using the open source function-as-a-service (FaaS) Lambda Application SERver (LASER) framework – developed by Galactic Fog- GMU can easily be updated by its users to accommodate additional K8S distributions as they are developed. To date, Gestalt users have employed GMU to seamlessly move containers from Amazon ECS to Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and Amazon EKS as well as from on-premise deployments of Pivotal Kubernetes Service (PKS) and RedHat OpenShift to both EKS and GKE.
To learn more about the Gestalt Platform visit Galactic Fog @KubeCon_ North America Booth S/E20, on our website at www.galacticfog.com, on Twitter@galacticfog, or via Slack.
About Galactic Fog
Founded in 2014, Galactic Fog works with Global 2000 enterprises to help future-proof their applications and infrastructure through the use of cloud-native technologies like containers,function-as-a-service (sometimes called serverless) and microservices. GalacticFog is the creator of the Gestalt Platform which provides a common management interface for teams to rapidly