This anatomy of the Cisco UCS Mini post is a little different than the EMC VNX series anatomy post. Instead of using Microsoft Visio to create PDF and jpeg files, I decided to put some time into finally. Which as it turns out, is a pretty excellent tool for creating infographics.
So if you are looking for a quick reference sheet on the Cisco UCS Mini system, then you are in the right place.
Click here to check out the infographic.
There is also a jpeg version here.
See below for a PDF.
Big thanks to the folks at
They were gracious enough to provide me with a premium account while I mess around with their site. Because of their generosity, I was able to create a PDF version which you can download here.
If you’re in the habit of creating presentations, infographics, or anything like that you should check out my review, then head over and look at their offering.
Additional Details
In the infographic, I outline some power requirements in the UCS chassis, for more information check out the spec guide that I pulled the UCS spec page. Specifically, check page 19 and 20.
I also received a couple of messages from Bill Shields to help describe what blades are supported as well as a little more info on the scalability connector.
“The scalability connector supports a 2nd chassis, C-Series, and 3rd party storage arrays like Nimble.” – So what is nice about this is that if you want to do 10g iSCSI but don’t have 10gig switches you can use a QSFP breakout cable and plug it right into a Nimble (or similar) array.
“… I noticed you called out the B22 M3 which is EoS. Don’t know if that is worth footnoting. We also support the M3 version of all the other servers listed. When the next update to UCSM comes out (real soon now), we will be adding the B260 M4.” – Take away here is that blades change often. For the most up to date list, give your reseller a call or check
If you think there is something I should add or correct, please let me know! Thanks for reading.
Have a question you don’t want to share? Just shoot it over, and I’ll email you as soon as possible
Nice. Thanks!