Next week I will be hanging out with the @Lumenate Team at VMware Partner Exchange 2014. I’ve been to the last four VMworld events, but never to PEX, so hopefully the show lives up to the hype and there is NDA briefings all over the place LOL.
To help keep up I thought I would also try out some live blogging as I’m sure a lot of the details I get at PEX won’t be under NDA, but might not be full blog post size. So if you want to see my updates as they happen there is a link to my PEX2014 LiveBlog Page here. You can also find the link in the ribbon right next to my Home Lab link.
My focus for PEX is to check out the sessions related to core virtualization practices as well as DR, and if I have time sessions that also include products for managing VMware. With that said I came up with a fairly jam packed schedule, and even managed to sneak in a VCAP-DCA test too!
What I hope to get out of the my schedule:
Saturday/Sunday: Hopefully I will make it to the 2 day boot camp on virtualizing business critical apps, I also have a customer install going on the week before so I’m hoping to get done in time to get back to the bay are and sit in on the boot camp. My goal is to gain information around best practices and common configuration problems when virtualizing things like Exchange, SQL, and other business critical apps.
Monday: Well with all the hype around the Super Secret EMC session, I figured I better check it out… at least until I have to go take my first attempt at VCAP-DCA. Check out Chad’s blog for more info on the EMC session. After that I figure I will check out the Welcome Reception, and then join the rest of the Lumenate folks at the PernixData Party.
Tuesday: After the general session I start my day with a session on virtualizing business critical apps… but I may replace it with something else if I’m able to make it to the two day booth camp on the weekend before. After that I’m going to check out a session on migrating to vCloud… after all Lumenate has their own vCloud service… and with VMware’s vCHS offering I figure I better stay up to speed 🙂 Then in the afternoon I’m hoping to pick up all the information I have been lacking on vCOPs by sitting through their technical workshop.
Wednesday: Still some time to fill on Wednesday, but I’m hoping to get to the vCAC automation workshop since I haven’t had much experience with it thus far.
Thursday: Is all about getting out of town, after that much mind melting info I’m sure I will be ready for a full day of travel and no-thinking weekend.
Remember to follow the Live Blog for constant (non-nda 😉 ) updates starting next week.
Hey Justin I am also at PEX 2014 and wanted to see if you had any inside information on why Veeam and some others have been asked to not attend PEX. Our communication with Veeam is a very well written politically Correct letter that VMWware has asked them not to attend but Veeam has invited us to offsite party couple of classes and breakfast on Wednesday morning. We have respect for both companies and have had great success with Veeam but can’t imagine VMware would harm the relationship with them for a module product that won’t make a huge difference in the total picture. What your thoughts?
Your guess is as good as mine at this point. Maybe we will know more by then end of the week.