
Background: The original reason for putting this section together is to help make after hours support easier. It would be very inefficient to have the entire company staff on-call every week, and because everyone becomes specialized in some but not all areas of IT  it has become necessary to develop troubleshooting checklists so that if asked to support a product that the on-call person is not familiar with it they can at least do the basic information gathering and investigation before engaging a senior level technician.

The Goal of this troubleshooting section is to provide a check list derived from a list of questions and simple procedures for front line support persons to use as a guideline for determining what the problem could be. These should help to fix simple issues, and reduce the number of tickets escalated to senior level technicians after hours.

If you are interested in helping develop the checklists please leave comments or email me at justin [at] jpaul [dot] me.

Below is a list of topics that have had checklists created. Click on a category and a general list will be on that page as well as links to more detailed lists.

Environment Overview (Start Here)
Microsoft Product Related
Network Infrastructure Related
SAN Storage
Vitualization Related
Voice Related

Disclaimer – These checklists are a free service providing information only. While we use reasonable care to see that this information is correct, we do not guarantee it for accuracy, completeness or relevance in your situation. These checklists are designed for IT professionals who are in a front line defense/information gathering position , and are not meant to replace services from IT service organizations. This site and its authors and owner shall not be liable for damages of any kind in connection with the use or misuse of this information.


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